The Sunset Park Task Force is made up of members that include Sunset Park residents, mission-driven organization leadership, public agency staff, local property owners, business owners, and local elected officials.
Application and Selection Process
Applications are accepted at designated periods throughout the year. Eligible applicants include local elected officials; business owners; local property owners; public agency staff; mission-driven organization leadership; and Sunset Park residents.
The Sunset Park Task Force has a Membership Subcommittee that leads outreach, reviews applications, and selects new members. The goal of selection process is to achieve a well-balanced, representative group of members.
If you are interested in joining the Task Force please complete this application form.

Membership Expectations
- Members or designated staff must attend at least 75 percent of the full Task Force meetings annually
- Task Force members are encouraged to attend all Task Force meetings, participate on at least one subcommittee every three years, and suggest meeting agenda topics
- Task Force members must be constructive, contributing members of the group; disruptive behavior will lead to forfeiture of membership
Contact the Task Force
The Sunset Park Task Force is committed to transparency and accessibility around our efforts for the Sunset Park waterfront and community.
We welcome questions and comments from the Sunset Park community and broader public, through the form below.